Virtual Shabbat Box
This Virtual Shabbat Box from the Reconstructionist Movement holds wonderful resources to help you celebrate.
Adult Education
We believe that Jewish learning is a lifelong journey. Join us for classes on Torah, Hebrew, finding your way in our ever-changing world, and much more!
Join Us In Prayer
We offer a participatory, inclusive, and vibrant community exploring Jewish life with dedication, warmth and enthusiasm.
Social Action
We believe in living our values. Join us in Social Action activities to Heal the World (Tikkun Olam). Scroll down or click here for Social Action news and events.
A Strong Jewish Education
We encourage each student to deepen and expand their Jewish knowledge in ways that are meaningful to them.
Rent Space at Beth Israel
Beth Israel now offers space for rent. We have spaces to accommodate groups large and small. Call us at 610-566-4645 or click on the button below.
Rabbi Linda's Blog:
Rabbi's Note
March 2025
Friends, in these challenging times, I invite you to consider the ways in which you care for yourselves, heart, body and soul. There is so much over which we have no control that it’s important to identify where we do have some control or some influence. In that vein, I invite you to think about setting some intentions for yourself, grounding yourself in your highest values, and holding your own heart with compassion as you navigate challenges, personal and political.
In this note, I’m sharing a prayer, written by a colleague over eight years ago. If it speaks to you, I encourage you to use it as a daily meditation. If there’s something like this that you could craft, or would like help crafting, to help you ground yourself through these times...
Tot Shabbat is Going Strong
Since last fall we’ve met on the 2nd Friday of every month for Tot Shabbat, a program where we come together with young families to color, play, tell stories, schmooze, eat, sing, and celebrate Shabbat together as a community. Over the past 6 months we’ve had 30 families participate, with about 5‐7 families per month.
Many thanks to our volunteers and our rabbinic interns, who make it all possible: Jackie Gelman, Lynn Cashell, Lev DePaolo, Elaine Feldman, Alisa Herman‐Liu, Lydia Kendis, Randi Raskin Nash, Alan Ross, Kathy Trow, and, of course, Rabbi Nathan and Rabbi Linda.
If you’d like to attend or help out at a future Tot Shabbat please reach out to Jackie Gelman.
Upcoming dates: 3/14, 4/11, 5/9
Rabbi Nathan's Blog:
On Leadership
March 2025
Friends, this month we embark in our Torah journey through the latter portions of Exodus that include a description of a leadership crisis engendered by the golden calf incident. Leadership challenges do not just show up now. A pattern emerges right after the exodus from Egypt: the people get in a tough spot (usually a lack of food or water on their journey), they complain bitterly to Moses, and Moses then needs to cobble together a solution, often with God’s assistance, to allay the frustration. It’s definitely a reactive approach that finds Moses and the people responding from crisis to crisis. And sometimes, in a fit of frustration, Moses simply loses his temper and lets fly his own complaints against his people, or ‐ in the case of the golden calf which we read this month ‐ lets fly the first set of tablets...